Thursday, October 21, 2010


Remember the old country song that said, “Walkin', talkin', wearing out my walkin' shoes.”

This song should be Jo Anne's theme song. She is always twisting my arm to go for a walk, and sometimes it works. I know I should be thankful that I can walk and really jump at the chance to take a stroll, but for some reason I drag my feet. (no pun intended)

We have a one mile route that we walk, but when we get around once she always hints that we should go around one more time. If I complain, she always says, “It's the second mile that really makes the difference.”

I wonder if that's not what Jesus meant in Matthew 5:41 when He said , “And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.”

I wonder if He didn't mean that it's the second mile that really makes the difference.
It's the second mile that will convince a hurting friend that we really care.
It's the second mile that will convince our spouse that we really love.
It's the second mile that will convince a child that God is real.
It's the second mile that will show a co-worker what Christ is like.
It's the second mile that will convince that “Down and Outer” that there is hope.

Let's put on our walking shoes today and walk the second mile.

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